The feed from Tim and Trudi McDaniel’s Wiilationships Sunday school class.
Wii20200531-Entry520-The Second Word
Trudi continues the series with a word you might not [...]
The feed from Tim and Trudi McDaniel’s Wiilationships Sunday school class.
Trudi continues the series with a word you might not [...]
God wants a word with you! Tim talks about the [...]
Trudi begins a new series that looks at the [...]
Tim brings the last session of the series, exploring [...]
Trudi talks about the expectations that lead to misery. [...]
Tim talks about the ways we try to avoid risk [...]
Trudi McDaniel talks about the truth we need to tell [...]
Tim talks about the value we place on our lives. [...]
Trudi discusses the truth about self-control. This series is based [...]
Tim discusses the feelings of anxiety we follow to [...]